Summer Pantheon
Before the sun came, the world was frozen in eternal winter. It was a harsh world of snow, sand, and endless night. But out of the darkness came the Summerkind, one by one, and they each brought a blessing onto this forsaken world. We rejoice once again as the sun beams down on us during the hottest months, harsh as they are, as we are reminded of the great accomplishments of the Summerkind, praise the sun!
This artist showcase was a captivating display featuring seven distinct statues, made by 9 talented artists, each with its own unique lore waiting to be discovered. You can find their stories by clicking each god below. This immersive experience invited visitors to interact with the statues by scanning QR codes placed strategically around the exhibit. Through these codes, participants could delve deeper into the rich stories and histories behind each sculpture, blending artistry with narrative in a seamless exploration of imagination and creativity
AE Atlanta Public Works Grant
Large Scale Installation
Underground Atlanta
May 2024